Reading Resources for Moms’ Equal Pay Day 2022
In recognition of Moms’ Equal Pay Day, the BWWC team is committed to raising awareness about the wage gap experienced by mothers, particularly mothers of marginalized communities. Thank you to the Equal Rights Advocates for providing the following resources:
Race, Power, the Pandemic, and the Demands of Black & Latinx Families
Building on the ACA: Administrative Actions to Improve Maternal Health
Breadwinning Mothers Are Critical to Families’ Economic Security
All Work and Little Pay: IWPR Survey shows Worrying Challenges for Working Mothers
Resilient But Not Recovered: Mothers During the COVID-19 Crisis
Paying an Unfair Price. The Financial Penalty for LGBT Women in America
The wage gap experienced by mothers has lasting impacts on their and their families’ overall economic security, ability to overcome hardships, and reach financial goals.