Donation Information


The BWWC Team thanks you for your generous donation! Our work is fully-funded by Compact Signer Dues and individual donations such as yours. We are housed at Boston University and as our fiscal sponsor all donations are 100% tax deductible. Please specify the "BWWC" in all blank fields to ensure donations make their way to us. If you have further questions please feel free to send us an email:

1. Fill out the payment/$ amount at the top

2. On "Click Here to Choose a Fund," scroll to the bottom and click "Other"

3. In the blank field, write "Boston Women's Workforce Council"

4. In the "School/College" field please select "NA"

5. For payment tracking purposes, please be sure to let know when you submit a donation by filling out the Donor Information Form below or by sending us an email HERE.

DoNor Information Form