Gender and Racial wage Gaps in Boston by the Numbers

In a city where women make up more than half the residents and half the workforce, pay equity in Boston is not only a moral imperative, it is an economic imperative. We believe that the first step to solving this problem is to measure it. In partnership with our 100% Talent Compact Signers, we collect and analyze employee data to report on gender and racial wage gaps biennially. Our community snapshot of these gaps serves as a roadmap for change for the City and its employers.

We are fortunate to work with Boston University’s Hariri Institute for Computing to perform this measurement and analysis and are grateful for their continued partnership in this effort.



2023 Annual Report

Our 2023 Annual Report features the results of our 2023 Gender and Racial Wage Gap Measurement, which highlights the wage gaps that exist in Greater Boston and how we can use this data as a benchmark as we continue our work towards eliminating these gaps. 



Thank you to our 2023 Data Measurement Sponsors



Reporting Cycle Highlights

With the security of the MPC software, the BWWC has successfully produced four wage gap analysis reports. Each report analyzed the previous year’s data (i.e. the 2016 report analyzed data as of December 31, 2015). 

We are proud of the accuracy of our wage gap measurement and reporting. Because 100% Talent Compact Signers contribute their payroll data, the BWWC reporting is more accurate than other wage gap measurements, which are typically based on self-reported census data. We are grateful to our 100% Talent Compact Signers for their participation in this critical effort.



2019 Boston Wage Gap Report

Our 2019 Report features data from 123 companies and 140,000 employees, representing $12.2 billion in annual earnings. The report also highlights our 2019 Innovative Initiative winners and a recap of our 2019 activities.

2021 Wage Gap Report

Our 2021 Report features data from 134 companies and 156,000 employees, representing $17.4 Billion in annual wages.

2017 Boston Wage Gap Report

Our 2017 Report analyzes data from 114 companies and 166,000 employees, representing $15 billion in annual earnings. 

2016 Boston Wage Gap Report

Our 2016 Report features first-of-its-kind wage data from employers, broken down by race and gender. It analyzes data from 69 companies and 112,600 employees, representing $11 billion in annual earnings.


We are grateful to each 100% Talent Compact Signer who participated in our wage gap measurements. Together we will make Boston the best place in the US for working women.

Have questions about how we anonymously measure the wage gap? Learn more here.