Boston Women's Workforce Council

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Equal Pay Day 2021: The Truth in Boston

Dear 100% Talent Compact Signers and community,

National Equal Pay Day falls on Wednesday, March 24th this year, representing the time into 2021 women must work to be paid what men were paid in 2020, according to annual Census data. 

The Boston Women's Workforce Council collects and analyzes wage data from our Compact Signers to create a community snapshot on the gender/racial gap in Boston. Using our 2019 data, Boston's equal pay day would land approximately a month later, on April 20th.

Why is this the case? We believe that our data is much more accurate than that of the Census. Census data is self-reported and, as such, is dependent on good intentions and a stellar memory. Our data comes right off of the payroll system so there is less room for error.

Our Compact Signers must be celebrated for their efforts. Only by confronting the truth of the gender/racial wage gap can we hope to see progress in eliminating it. It is hard work that over 250 organizations have pledged to continue doing until we eliminate the gap for good. 

Thank you to our Compact Signers, for continuing the fight. You are our heroes in keeping the cause of gender and racial pay equity front and center in all you do.



Kim Borman

BWWC Executive Director 


 P.S. On Equal Pay Day, March 24, BWWC Co-Chair Evelyn Murphy and I will take part in a panel discussion hosted by the Office of Economic Empowerment about pay equity in the Commonwealth. Join us in this important conversation by registering here.