Welcoming New Council Members, 2021 Data Collection, and More

Happy March to all of our Compact Signers. We've been busy this first quarter of 2021 helping to facilitate change at your organizations while changing ourselves a bit, too. 

Our Q1 Briefing gave our 2020 Innovative Initiatives winners a chance to explain more about their programs to support women employees during COVID. We hope you were able to find a few nuggets to take back to your organization. 

In January, Alex Valdez joined as the Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancement, taking over the role from Tania Del Rio. We welcome Alex and look forward to working with her. Alex has a long history with the City of Boston as the past Director of Engagement for the Economic Mobility Lab and as the Latina Liaison and Coordinator for Jamaica Plain. She is a committed community activist and experienced advocate for civic participation. In her new role, she will serve as a champion for women in Boston. To learn more about Alex, please visit MOWA's website.

We would also like to introduce our new Council Members. The Council, too, has changed in the past year to become a more vibrant, action-oriented community of experts in the effort to close the gender/racial wage gap. This new energy is demonstrated by our five new members who are introduced below.

Finally, we want to give everyone the heads up that 2021 is a data collection year. As you know, collecting Compact Signer data and reporting on the findings is likely the most important aspect of our work together. It gives us a progress update as we all strive in different ways to close the gender/racial wage gap. We hope to be kicking off training for those in your organization responsible for data input in April, with data submission scheduled for the first two weeks of May. Be on the lookout for exact dates in the coming weeks.


Kim Borman

BWWC Executive Director