5th Annual Effective Practices Conference: Celebrating the BWWC and its allies in 2019
Each year, we convene 100% Talent Compact Signers for an annual conference, reviewing events of the year, highlighting key practices learned, and looking ahead to the new year. 2019 was a busy year for the BWWC and we are eager to hit the ground running in 2020.
In partnership with the Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancement, we held our 5th annual Effective Practices Conference at the Boston Public Library to celebrate accomplishments, our allies, and highlight innovations from the year. In addition to giving a sneak peak into our 2019 Data report - due out early 2020 - we wanted to give the community the tools to address inequities in the workplace and have a discussion on how different industries are implementing initiatives differently.
A Year in Review
“In our mission to close the gender wage gap in Boston, it has become very clear that we simply cannot do it without the partnership of Mayor Walsh and the Boston business community. ”
BWWC Executive Director, Shereen Shermak, celebrates 2019 with 100% Talent Compact signers
BWWC Executive Director, Shereen Shermak took us through the year and highlighted 2019’s top moments with Compact signers and the community. You can recap the year with us below:

BWWC Co-Chair, Cathy Minehan, shared 2019 Data Report Highlights
2019 Data Measurement Cycle Results
Every other year, the BWWC conducts an anonymous wage data submission to measure the wage gap in Boston. As we anticipate the release of the 2019 Wage Gap Report in early 2020, BWWC Co-Chair, Cathy Minehan, shared highlights from this years’ data measurement cycle.
The wage gap for base pay overall is 30 cents, on average (all women compared to all men).
A Call to Action
On behalf of the City of Boston, Tania Del Rio, Executive Director at the Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancement spoke on the urgency of closing the pay gap in Boston.
“There has been significant work on pay equity happening for decades. But the fact remains, and the data we [have] proves it, this is still urgent. We cannot get complacent. The longer we go without closing pay gaps, the more unacceptable, untenable the situation becomes.”
Implementing Effective Practices across Industries
Paul Francisco, Chief Diversity Officer and Head of Workforce Development Programs at State Street, moderates a panel discussion | Dec 5 | BPL
In addition to reviewing programming and data report highlights, we wanted to recognize the Innovative Initiatives brought forth by four 100% Talent Compact signers and ask: how do we adopt these initiatives in 2020? How do we adopt based on the industry and capacity? Paul Francisco, Chief Diversity Officer and Head of Workforce Development Programs at State Street, moderated a panel discussion on the 2019 Innovative Initiatives and why the pay gap persists with HR executives. Panelists featured:
Elisa van Dam, VP of Strategic Partnerships & Convenings, Simmons University, Institute for Inclusive Leadership
Mekala Krishnan, Senior Fellow, McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)
Jeff Swartz, Boston Complex Manager, Morgan Stanley
Devin Taylor, Director of Human Resources & Engagement, Massachusetts Convention Center Authority
Elisa van Dam, VP of Strategic Partnerships & Convenings at Simmons University discusses the 2019 Innovative Initiatives
“My biggest takeaway from looking at [the initiatives] is to just start somewhere... Try something, pilot something... All of those things together will start to move the needle. ”
Putting it into Practice
If there was one clear message that morning it was that this work difficult and complex. BWWC Co-Chair, Evelyn Murphy, gave inspiring and encouraging closing remarks as we take on 2020 together.
“Look around you because the people who are here today are folks like you. Folks committed to helping their company or organization be better; Folks committed to enhancing the culture of equity and full participation in the workplaces; Folks committed to making Massachusetts the best place for working women in America.”
Join our Mission
Adopt a 2019 Innovative Initiative into your workplace
Meet the winners and their efforts to advance women in the workplace.
Is your office implementing one of the initiatives? Let us know!
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Were you a guest at our Effective Practice Conference? Is your employer interested in helping us close the gender pay gaps in Boston?
Sign the 100% Talent Compact!