National Equal Pay Day 2023

Eighty-four cents – according to National Census data, that is how much women earn for every dollar men make. Today, March 14th is National Equal Pay Day, representing the day in 2023 women would need to work to earn the same amount men made in the previous year alone. 

The Boston Women’s Workforce Council (BWWC)’s 2021 Wage Gap Measurement reflects an even larger gender wage gap, with women on average earning 70¢ for every dollar men earn in Greater Boston. Our analysis points to April 20th, 2023, as Boston Equal Pay Day. And while this date comes more than a month later than National Equal Pay Day, we believe our numbers to be a more accurate reflection of real wage gaps because of how our data is collected - right off employer payroll systems versus through the Census.

In honor of Equal Pay Day, we urge employers to take the first step towards achieving pay equity by examining your organization’s salary data to determine whether gender and racial wage gaps exist. Take action today and see where your numbers fall against national and BWWC data by visiting a free and confidential employer tool that enables you to produce your wage gap metrics within seconds of inputting your data. 

In recognition of Boston Equal Pay Day, join us on April 20, 2023, for a panel discussion to explore the unique barriers of recruiting/retaining women and marginalized workers, followed by a resource fair. The event is co-hosted by the City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancement (MOWA). More details can be found here. 

Thank you to our partners at Equal Pay Coalition for putting together the following Equal Pay Day resources: