BWWC Statement Regarding SCOTUS Ruling

Dear BWWC Community Members,

The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is an affront to every American who believes in gender equity, including the right for women to make their own health care decisions.

The Boston Women's Workforce Council is dedicated to empowering women by closing gender and racial wage gaps. Once again, it will be the women on the lower end of the pay scale who find themselves unable to determine their own destinies. They will not be able to afford taking time off from work and/or paying for the travel necessary to go to another state where terminating their pregnancy is legal. And, as our own wage gap data shows, people without the means to make this personal decision will, more than likely, be women of color.

We believe abortion access is essential to long-term financial security. We will not be silent and stand strong with our partners like Amplify Latinx, YW Boston, and Mayor Wu as they call for community action for the long fight ahead.

In solidarity,

Kimberly E. Borman

Executive Director

Boston Women's Workforce Council