Boston Women's Workforce Council

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Happy New Year!

Thank you to everyone in our 100% Talent Compact Signer community for all of your support and partnership over the past year. We are excited to share an overview of our work in 2021.

Join us in taking a look back over the past year and all that we created, learned, and accomplished together.

We wish you a Happy New Year and look forward to our continued partnership in the coming year. 


The BWWC Team


Innovative Actions During COVID-19

Our first Signer Briefing of 2021 focused on steps taken by employers to support women in their organizations during the pandemic. Our panelists included representatives from each of our 2020 Innovative Initiatives Awardee Organizations. Read case studies on each initiative here.

Signer Data Submission: 2021 Gender & Racial Wage Gap Measurement

Thank you to all of the 100% Talent Compact Signers who participated in the data submission process, allowing us to provide a community snapshot of progress being made to close gender and racial wage gaps.

Signer participation in data collection increased by 9% from 2019 to 2021. This growth resulted in a 14% increase in total employee records and now covers approximately 13.5% of the Greater Boston workforce according to data from the EEOC.

An overwhelming number of Signers chose to feature this badge on social media to acknowledge their involvement internally. Our Signers proudly celebrated their participation in our first-in-the-nation measurement process.


Getting Serious About Diversity - Enough Already with the Business Case

In Q2, we were joined by Harvard Business School Professor Robin Ely, well known for her research on race and gender relations in organizations. Check out our Briefing Bite to see how Professor Ely exposed many of the flaws in the current diversity rhetoric and offered guidance on how to create change in organizations.

Do the Math

Our “Do the Math” campaign launch elevated the importance of employers regularly calculating, evaluating, and understanding their own wage gaps. This campaign came on the tail of our 2021 Data Collection period in May, encouraging Signers to leverage the work they did for the BWWC to analyze their internal numbers.


How to Build a More Gender-Equitable Future of Work

The BWWC collaborated with Professor Hannah Riley Bowles, Co-Director, Women and Public Policy Program, Roy E. Larsen Senior Lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), and Victoria Ying, Master of Public Policy candidate at HKS to understand the gendered implications and opportunities of workforce re-entry planning. Professor Bowles and Victoria interviewed senior managers at 100% Talent Compact Signer organizations over the past year for this vital research. Check out our Q3 Signer Briefing Bite, an overview of the session, with recommendations for how your organization can create a more gender-equitable workplace in our new hybrid context.


2021 Effective Practices Conference

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 7th annual Effective Practices Conference on December 9! We appreciate you tuning in and your commitment to learning with us.

Thank you to our amazing line-up of 100% Talent Compact Signer leaders who discussed the impact of the 2021 Gender/Racial Wage Gap Measurement results. Specifically, how the information should inform decisions front-line managers and senior leaders make when it comes to eliminating workplace inequities.

Gender and Racial Wage Gap Measurement Results

This year’s annual report features the results of the 2021 Boston Gender and Racial Wage Gap Measurement. Use it as a benchmark for your own internal efforts to close gaps in your organization.

We hope our biennial reporting serves as a reminder and wake-up call, that we individually and collectively have the agency to take action to close the gaps. Download the report here.

Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Digital Reach

Our focus on social media this year was to engage existing and new 100% Talent Compact Signer community members in education around the work being done to achieve pay equity in Greater Boston.

Thank you to all of our new Anchor Signers and Signers in 2021!

Looking Ahead to 2022

We are excited to build upon our work from the past year, as we look ahead to 2022. Our priorities for the year include increasingly facilitating the sharing of best practices to eliminate the gender and racial wage gap and to center equity and advancement for women, rolling out our wage gap calculator with a focus on enhanced wage gap education, and establishing a strong working relationship with Mayor Wu. "See" you in 2022!