Boston Women's Workforce Council

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Latina Equal Pay Day 2021

October 21 is Latina Equal Pay Day, the last National Equal Pay Day of 2021. This means that Latinas must work longer than all other women, nearly 11 additional months into 2021, to earn what white men earned in one year alone. 

In the US, Latinas earn 57 cents on the dollar compared to white men. According to our 2019 wage gap measurement, in Greater Boston, they earn 45 cents. 

The BWWC  partners with the Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancement to recognize National Equal Pay Days; building awareness about what they mean and how the inequities they represent affect women in the workforce. 

2021 Wage Gap Findings for Latinas in Greater Boston Area - Coming Soon 

We are ramping up for our Effective Practices Conference on December 9, where we will share our 2021 Gender and Racial Wage Gap Measurement findings. As part of this measurement, we anonymously collect, analyze, and report on 100% Talent Compact Signer employee data to provide a community snapshot of progress being made to close the gender and racial wage gaps in Greater Boston. 

The Wage Gap Measurement findings that we share in December with our Compact Signer Community will give us a better understanding of the inequities Latinas in our city are facing and where we go from here to mitigate these inequities, especially given the continued effects of the pandemic on women in the workforce.

Take Action Today

This year, we are excited to be an organizational partner for the Latina Equal Pay Day & Essential Women Workers Virtual Summit. Equal Rights Advocates is organizing this summit on October 21 to mobilize, raise awareness, and build worker and community power around the inequities Latinas face in the workforce throughout the United States. Interested in attending the Summit? Register today and join us on social media using the following hashtags:

 #LatinaEqualPay #EqualPayBOS #payequity